Congratulations to the best oral presentation at the SSTMP meeting Maria Sousa!
We congratulate PhD student Maria Cristina Ferreira de Sousa for her perfect talk on "Activity and efficacy of the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1708 in vitro and in non-pregnant and pregnant toxoplasmosis and neosporosis mouse models" that was awarded as the BEST ORAL PRESENTATION at the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP)!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Honorarprofessor Andrew E. Hemphill!
Wir gratulieren Prof. Dr. Andrew E. Hemphill zur Verleihung des Titels eines Ehrenprofessors der Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spanien, für das akademische Jahr 2021/2022!
Congratulations Dr. Anghel
We congratulate our PhD student Nicoleta Anghel to successfully defending her thesis "Advances, efficacy, and safety of compounds for the treatment against the protozoan parasites Toxoplasma, Neospora and Trypansosma"!
SNSF Spirit Grant to Prof. Hemphill and collaborators
Mosquitoes of the genus Aedes transmit the viruses responsible for yellow fever, Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. A surprising recent finding is that Aedes mosquitoes in Sri Lanka have adapted to breed in brackish water as well, thereby extending the area where transmission of viruses can occur. The aim of this collaborative grant (University of Bern and University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka) is to elucidate the physiological and molecular basis of adaptation using next generation sequencing (RNA-seq) and immuno-electron microscopy, to hold a bioinformatics workshop for students in Sri Lanka, and enable 2-3-month stays in the Swiss laboratories for Sri Lankan PhD students to learn recombinant protein technology and electron microscopy.